“World’s sharpest laser blade”
High resolution machining with focus diameters
down to 1μm in UV
Enhance your laser machine into a microscan system
Compatible with a wide range of galvanometer scanners
MicroSpot Scanning
With the Microscan Extension MSE-G2, Pulsar Photonics offers a simple but powerful extension for any Galvo scanning system. By simply replacing a conventional objective with the MSE-G2, users can upgrade their system to a microspot scanning system. The combination of galvanometer scanner and MSE-G2 enables high precision machining with a focus diameter of less than 4μm. This enables the production of the smallest components with unmatched accuracy and level of detail. We offer the system for IR, VIS but also UV laser sources.
- Microablation
- Micro marking
- Micro drilling (diameter a few µm)
- Repair of electronics / displays
In combination with our own software “Photonic Elements” the full potential of this optics can be exploited and complex geometries and work processes can be generated automatically. The optics are available both as an extension to existing systems and as a stand-alone variant including a scanner .


Production of
micro apertures
Micro-apertures with diameters up to 1.6µm

Micro drilling of
thin foils
High-precision bores with diameters of typ. 3 µm

High resolution
Micro marking
High resolution QR code with
Dimensions 300 µm x 300 µm

Electronic Repair –
Making isolation trenches in electronic circuits

Functionalization of tools
Insertion of functional microstructures in tools

Your Personal Contact person
Dr. Marius Gipperich
Technical Sales